can't add recording functionality on top of HelloArVideo sample

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最新提问 3月 25, 2018 用户: chadidi (120 分)
I have changed easy ar with pro version but the video is not saved + not showing any error messages

what can I do to make it work?



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最新回答 3月 26, 2018 用户: albert52 (37,800 分)
1.Check that your path is completely correct.

2.Check that the components associated with the record are correct.

3.Are you Unity developer or native?
发表于 3月 26, 2018 用户: chadidi (120 分)
I am developing on unity3d  
1. when I add video sample to recording sample the recording works but the video is darker than usual.
2. when I add recording to video sample the recording doesn't work and showing no errors.

what can the problem be the on only different between the 2 sample that I noticed is that recording sample uses EasyAR_Startup prefab while video sample uses EasyAR_ImageTracker-1 prefab
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